
Side Event at UNHRC in June

We will have a side event at the UN Human Rights Council in June.

Side event at Geneva is a symposium on the status of human rights in Okinawa.

UN Special Rapporteur David Kaye, as the Keynote speaker, and Okinawa Peace Movement Center Chairman Hiroji Yamashiro will address infringements on freedom of expression in Okinawa.

Yamashiro to address infringements on Okinawans’ rights at UN Human Rights Council in June (May 30, 2017 Ryukyu Shimpo)

A single person, a world of difference (19 May 2017, Kaoru Yamaguchi, Amnesty International Japan)

The All Okinawa Council on Human Rights is accepting donations to cover the costs and travel expenses related to this symposium. Contributions can be made online at the following URL: https://japangiving.jp/campaigns/5192 (in Japanese)